In a way these all mean about the same thing. In my research of Hebrew and my study's of a couple of other languages, there's generally one word that can mean to wait, or to hope. I've come to realize that there's a reason for this. When you wait on something, you are hoping that it will arrive, you are trusting that it is on its way. It's repeated throughout the scriptures: "Wait on The Lord, Put your hope in God, Trust in The Lord."
Okay, so what? It's repeated big deal. That's the way something was emphasized in Hebrew literature. Where we might might raise our voice, they would repeat it. "Be strong and courageous" (Deuteronomy 31:6, Joshua 1:6,7, & 9). The same thing happened to Joshua, repeatedly God told him to be strong and courageous, He wanted to make sure that when Joshua needed to be strong and courageous, he would take heart in God, and know that He who brought Israel out of Egypt went with Him as He did with Moses (Joshua 1:5). Then again in Ezekiel 37, "this is what the sovereign Lord says." What kind of God is He? He is the sovereign Lord! Sovereign meaning supreme, with all authority. Whatever God says goes. He is proclaiming His authority to these bones, saying "Hey! Listen up, this is how it's gonna go down."
This is a big deal. We are so caught up in a society of I want it now and I'm going to get it now, but God's giving the reality check of "WAIT!" God works on His own time which is completely outside of time. We have to realize that God is the Almighty, the One in control. We are subject to Him, not the other way around. He's not a vending machine God, He is the God who will give you what is in His will, that which is good for you, and He will give it to you at the right time, His time.
Matt Chandler does a sermon jam on this topic and one thing that he says is that "waiting on The Lord isn't pleasant at all." In fact waiting on the Lord can be downright awful. At the time that I'm writing this there are Christians in the Middle East are being killed by a terrorist group called ISIS. These Christians are waiting on God to come through and be their salvation, but they know that "if they live, they live for The Lord and if they die, they die for The Lord" (Romans 14:8). It would be hard to say that they aren't waiting on God and trusting Him.
There's a big difference between what's happening in the Middle East and here in America. They suffer persecution to the point of death sometimes, most of the persecution that we face is people saying no when we ask them to come to our Bible study. There's a lot of directions I could go at this point, but the direction I want to go down is why are they being persecuted and we're not? Could it be that we have so watered down the Gospel that we choose comfort over truth? I believe the message that is most often presented today is the good news that Jesus can save you and He wants you to be happy here in this life.
This gospel message is yet another thing that takes away from waiting on God. I've heard many people being told that if you just wait and pray you'll receive rich blessings from God. I wouldn't go as far as to say that this is 100% false but I do think that for most people it's not. God might bless you with great riches to advance His kingdom, but there are countless other ways that God can bless you in order to advance His kingdom. I'm tired of waiting for things that won't last, I'm tired of waiting for thing that will bring me happiness for a moment. My prayers are for the advancement of the kingdom.
I pray that we will recognize the false truths that are preached in America and dispose of them. I pray that we recognize the true mercy of God toward us and repent. I pray that through our recognition of His mercy we will be given a sense of urgency to spread the true Gospel.
I'm waiting on The Lord.
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